Conservation of Primates in Indochina

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Conservation of Primates in Indochina - Nadler Tilo, Rawson Benjamin, Thinh Van Издательство Frankfurt Zoological Society, 2010 г., большой формат ______________________ На английском языке. Indochina is a hotspot of primate diversity, endemism and threat. In all, 28 primate taxa are currently recognized as occurring in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and southern China. Of these, 19 are endemic. Based on the Red List workshop for Asia's primates conducted in 2006, 8 taxa are considered critically endangered and 7 vulnerable. Much of the most up-to-date work relating to the species of the region in included in this volume. The contributions provide an overview of the status of primate taxa and findings on their biology and life histories that will offer a basis for future interventions _______________________ Состояние: Хорошее, есть помятые страницы. Apes together strong


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