The Euro - Stiglitz

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The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe - Stiglitz Joseph E Издательство W.W. Norton & Company, 2018 г., мягкая обложка _________________________ На английском языке. When Nobel Prize - winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz posed this question in the original edition of The Euro, he lent much-needed clarity to a global debate that continues to this day. In The Euro, Joseph E. Stiglitz explains precisely why the eurozone has performed so poorly, so different from the expectations at its launch: at the core of the failure is the structure of the eurozone itself, the rules by which it is governed. Stiglitz reveals three potential paths forward: drastic structural reforms, not of the individual countries, but of the eurozone; a well-managed dissolution of the euro; or a bold new system dubbed the "flexible euro" ___________________________ Состояние: Хорошее, потёрта обложка


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