Frederick Delius (1862-1934) - Hassan (1 CD)

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Frederick Delius (1862-1934) - HassanПод заказ. Доставка от 3 до 5 недель.!!! САМОВЫВОЗ МЕТРО АЛЕКСЕЕВСКАЯ !!!!!! ДОСТАВКА КУРЬЕРОМ ПО МОСКВЕ !!! !!! ПО РОССИИ - СДЭК, ПОЧТА РФ !!! !!! ПО МИРУ - ПОЧТА РФ !!! Лейбл: Chandos Records Баркод: 0095115229620 CDVP: 4039439 Жанры: Orchesterwerke Кол-во дисков: CD Описание: Дата релиза: 2024-04-05 Треклист: Prelude. Slow - Quietly but expressively Narrator: 'We are in old Baghdad' Interlude between Scenes 1 and 2 Scene 2. Moonlight. The street of Felicity, by the fountain of the two pigeons, in from of the house Narrator: 'It is later that night' Serenade. Con moto moderato Narrator: 'The shutters open, and Yasmin appears' Melos. Hassan falls under the shadow of the fountain. The first light of dawn shines in the sky. Very quietly Chorus behind the scenes. Not too slow Narrator: 'The first light of dawn shines in the sky' Prelude. With animation Narrator: 'The filthy, inanimate bulk of Hassan...' Fanfare preceding the Ballet (Gaily, outside) No. 1, Dance of the Beggars. There enters the most awful selection of Eastern beggars the eye could imagine. Quick and v Narrator: 'And then, after the Beggars' No. 2, Chorus of Women. (Enter a band of fair and dusky beauties.) Quietly No. 3, Divertissement. Con moto Narrator: 'Rafi is then announced as The King of the Beggars' No. 4, General Dance. Andante moderato - Allegro - Più mosso Narrator: 'Rafi is asked why he hates the Caliph so' Chorus of Beggars and Dancing Girls (from behind the scene, after the descent of the iron curtain). Comodo Narrator: 'This House of the Moving Walls...' Scene 2. The Street of Felicity. Very quietly Narrator: 'The SOS message has fallen from the balcony...' Music accompanying Ishak's poem. Not too slow Narrator: 'Yasmin's regard for Hassan has instantly shifted' Prelude. Moderato - Slower Scene 1. Curtain Narrator: 'Hassan is installed at the Caliph's Palace' Interlude between Scenes 1 and 2. Very quietly - Slow Narrator: 'The slaves inform Hassan that there is a beautiful lady. Scene 2. The great Hall of the Palace. With vigour - Quieter Narrator: 'We are in the Great Hall of the Caliph's Palace' Fanfares, in the great Hall of the Palace Narrator: 'As more and more people gather...' Entry of the Caliph. Pompously Narrator: 'The Caliph declares the trial of the beggars open' Fanfares Narrator: 'Then Rafi, King of the Beggars, is summoned' Prelude. Slow - Passionately Narrator: 'In the Palace's dark vaults' Interlude between Scenes 1 and 2. Slow and ponderously Narrator: 'Sunlight streams through the cell's grating' Prelude. Quick - Slower, softer - Not too quick - Curtain. The Garden of the Caliph's Palace, in front of a pavilion. Su The song of the Muezzin at sunset Narrator: 'With another sunset approaching' The Procession of Protracted Death. March tempo Narrator: 'The long, dreadful execution ensues...' Prelude to the last scene. With flowing movement Closing Scene. Slow - (The Caravan recedes farther and farther into the distance.) - (Dying away in the distance)


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