Handel* / Alexander*, Blochwitz*, Kowalski*, Van N

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Handel* / Alexander*, Blochwitz*, Kowalski*, Van Nes*, Scharinger*, Arnold Schoenberg Chor, Concentus Musicus Wien, Harnoncourt* - Theodora!!! САМОВЫВОЗ МЕТРО АЛЕКСЕЕВСКАЯ !!!!!! ДОСТАВКА КУРЬЕРОМ ПО МОСКВЕ !!! !!! ПО РОССИИ - СДЭК, ПОЧТА РФ !!! !!! ПО МИРУ - ПОЧТА РФ !!! Лейбл: Das Alte Werk Баркод: 0022924644726 CDVP: 070957 Жанры: Baroque,Classical,Geistliche Musik,Oratorio,Оратория Кол-во дисков: 2 CD Описание: Треклист: Overture Act I Recitative „‚Tis Dioclesian‘s Natal Day“ [Valens] Air „Go, My Faithfull Soldier“ [Valens] Chorus „And Draw A Blessing Down“ [Chorus Of Hethens] Recitative „Vouchsafe, Dread Sir“ [Didymus, Valens] Air „Rocks, Gibbels, Sword And Fire“ [Valens] Chorus „For Ever Thus Slands“ [Chorus Of Heathens] Recitative „Most Cruel Edict“ [Didymus] Air „The Raplur‘d Soul“ [Didymus] Recitative „I Know Thy Virtues“ [Septimus] Air „Descend, Kind Pity“ [Septimus] Recitative „Though Hard, My Friends“ [Theodora] Air „Fond Flatt‘ring World“ [Theodora] Recitative „Oh Bright Example“ [Irene] Chorus „Come, Mighty Father“ [Chorus Of Christians] Recitative „Fly, Fly, My Brethren“ [Messenger, Irene] Air „As With Rosy Steps“ [Irene] Chorus „All Pow‘r In Heaven Above“ [Chorus Of Christians] Recitative „Mistaken Wretches“ [Septimus] Recitative „Deluded Mortal!“ [Theodora, Septimus] Accompanied Recitative „Oh Worse Than Death Indeed“ [Theodora] Air „Angels, Ever Bright And Fair“ [Theodora] Recitative „Unhappy, Happy Crew“ [Didymus, Irene] Air „Kind Heaven“ [Didymus] Recitative „Oh Love, How Great Thy Pow‘r“ [Irene] Chorus „Go, Gen‘rous Pious Youth“ [Chorus Of Christians] Act II Recitative „Ye Men Of Antioch“ [Valens] Chorus „Queen Of Summer“ [Chorus Of Heathens] Air „Wide Spread“ [Valens] Recitativ „Return, Septimus“ [Valens] Chorus „Venus Laughing From The Skies“ [Chorus Of Heathens] (Largo) Recitativ „Oh Thou Bright Sun“ [Theodora] Air „With Darkness Deep“ [Theodora] (Largo) Recitative „But Why Art Thou Disquieted“ [Theodora] Recitative „Septimus, I Am A Christian“ [Didymus, Septimus] Air „Though The Honors“ [Septimus] Recitative „Oh Save Her Than“ [Didymus, Septimus] Recitative „The Clouds Begin To Veil“ [Irene] Air „Defend Her, Heaven“ [Irene] Recitative „Or Lull‘d With Griet“ [Didymus] Air „Sweet Rose And Lily“ [Didymus] Recitative „Oh Save Me, Heaven“ [Theodora, Didymus] Air „The Pilgrim‘s Home“ [Theodora] Acccompanied Recitative „Forbid It, Heaven“ [Didymus] Recitative „Ah! What Is Liberty“ [Theodora, Didymus] Duet „To Thee, Thou Glorious Son“ [Theodora, Didymus] Recitative „‚Tis Night“ [Irene] Chorus“He Saw The Lonely Youth“ [Chorus Of Christians] Act III Air „Lord To Thee“[Irene] Recitative „But See! The Good, The Virtuous Didymus“ [Irene, Theodora] Chorus „Blest The Hand“ [ Chorus Of Christians, Theodora] Recitative „Ah, Theodora! Whence This Sudden Change“ [Irene, Theodora] Duet „Whither, Princess, Do You Fly“ [Irene, Theodora] Recitative „She‘s Gone“ [Irene] Recitative „Dwells There Such Virtuous Courage“ [Septimus] Air „From Virtue Springs“ [Septimus] Air „Cease, Ye Slaves“ [Valens] „Oppose Not, Didymus“ [Theodora] Chorus „How Strange Their Ends“ [Chorus Of Heathens] Recitative „On Me Your Frowns“[Didymus, Theodora, Valens] Recitative „And Must Such Beauty Suffer?“ [Didymus, Theodora, Septimus] Duet „Streams Of Pleasure“ [Didymus, Theodora] Recitative „Ere This Their Doom Is Past“ [Irene] Chorus „Oh Love divine“ [Chorus of christians]


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