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HASSELBLAD CFV-50 CCD KODAK 50 мегапикселей
супреский цифровой задник на правильной высшей матритце CCD KODAK KAF-50100
36.7 x 49.0 mm (Lens factor 1.1)
в комплекте сам задник и два аккума
500 к руб
8176 (H) x 6132 (V)
medium format CCD Image Sensor
The KAF−50100 Image Sensor is a high performance,
50-megapixel CCD. Based on the TRUESENSE 6.0 micron Full
Frame CCD Platform, the sensor features ultra-high resolution, broad
dynamic range, and a four-output architecture. A lateral overflow
drain suppresses image blooming, while an integrated Pulse Flush
Gate clears residual charge on the sensor with a single electrical pulse.
A Fast Dump Gate can be used to selectively remove a line of charge
to facilitate partial image readout. The sensor also utilizes the
TRUESENSE Transparent Gate Electrode to improve sensitivity
compared to the use of a standard front side illuminated polysilicon
- Вид товараОборудование и аксессуары
- СостояниеБ/у
- КатегорияФототехника