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Jim Scrivener. Learning Teaching. A guidebook for English language teachers
Heinemann, 1994 -218стр, илл
Heinemann English Language Teaching
Преподавание английского языка компанией Heinemann
A division of Heinemann Publishers (Oxford) Ltd
The Teacher Development Series Introduction to Learning Teaching
Chapter 1 Working with people
1 Teaching and learning
2 Three kinds of teacher
Chapter 2 An introduction to classroom management
1 Options, decisions and actions
2 Classroom interaction
3 Potential problems
Chapter 3 The subject matter of English language teaching
1 Language systems and language skills
Chapter 4 Activities and lessons
1 Classroom activities
2 Four kinds of lesson
3 Using a coursebook
Chapter 5 Planning
1 Formal and informal planning
2 Aims
3 Syllabus and timetable
Chapter 6 Speaking
1 Reasons for speaking
2 Communicative activities
3 Fluency and communication
4 Drama and roleplay
Chapter 7 Vocabulary
1 Introduction
2 The meanings of words
3 Vocabulary in the classroom
4 Vocabulary practice activities and games
5 Remembering words
Chapter 8 Toolkit 1: Classroom options, skills and techniques
1 Seating
2 Gestures
3 Board drawing
4 Giving instructions
5 Eliciting
6 Fingers
7 Time lines
8 Fillers
9 Word games
10 Errors and correction
Chapter 9 Working with language
1 Approaches to grammar
2 Analyzing language: form
3 Grammar: restricted use activities
4 Analyzing language: meaning
5 Grammar: clarifying and focusing
6 Grammar: planning effective lessons
7 Analyzing language: communicative function
8 Phonology: the sounds of English
Chapter 10 Language skills
1 Task-based listening: an introduction
2 Task-based listening: some techniques
3 Approaches to reading
4 Writing
Chapter 11 Toolkit 2: Activities, lessons, courses, people
1 Icebreakers
2 Picture stories
3 Cuisenaire rods
4 Storytelling
5 Using readers
6 Songs and music
7 TV and video
8 Testing
9 Exam classes
10 ESP and business English
11 Learner training
12 Dealing with constraints and problems
Chapter 12 Learning teaching
1 Feedback and reflection
2 Teacher development
3 A closing comment: language and people
Appendix - Observation tasks
1 What helps people learn?
2 Options and decisions
3 Classroom interaction
4 Staging
5 Objectives
6 The learners
7 Feedback to learners
8 Errors and correction
9 Thoughts and questions
10 Stolen goods
The jargon bank
Bibliography and references
- Вид товараУчебная литература
- СостояниеБ/у
- КатегорияКниги и журналы