Настольная игра Ninja All Stars

Объявление найдено в городе Москва

Цена: 3 850 руб.

С коробки снята плёнка, в игру не играли. Игра на английском языке. Ninja All Stars allows for 2 to 4 players to take control of a team of ninja (this may be a pre-rolled team or a team purchased with points) and battle over objectives. Each Ninja Clan is drawn from a different element (6 in total), with each element providing different bonuses in-game. As well, the game's dice mechanic is based on the element system, using a rock-paper-scissors type of dice elimination to determine the outcome of various aspects such as combat, searching, and special abilities. It is important to note that combat is not a simple "I rolled more swords than your shields"; the elimination of dice will give the winner a choice of different combat results based on the remaining dice. The interesting point here is, ninja don't die in this game-rather,they are knocked out and placed in their team's dojo, where they rest and recover and may eventually be brought back onto the board. The rules allow for one-off scenario games as well as league play with guidelines on ninja advancement, meaning that players can develop their ninja over many games. Без авито доставки цена 3500.


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