Your complete guide to British and American English.
With this dictionary you can:
1. Understand.
- Clear explanations using words that you know already.
- Short cuts to take you straight to the right meaning.
2. Write.
- 90.000 examples showing you how words work in real language - so you avoid mistakes.
- Notes to help you choose the right word and build your vocabulary.
- Model letters and CVs/resumes for you to follow.
3. Speak.
- Thousands of words and phrases that are common in spoken English.
- Guide to pronunciation on every page.
- How to say numbers, dates and times.
There are 1540 pages in the book.
На заметку: Книга в отличном качестве, очень интересная и познавательная. В книге нет никаких пометок и записей, листы чистые. Можете поставить этот уникальный словарь себе в библиотеку.
- Вид товараУчебная литература
- СостояниеБ/у
- КатегорияКниги и журналы