The Design of Sites

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The Design of Sites Patterns, Principles, and Processes for Crafting a Customer-Centered Web Experience by Douglask Van Duyne (Author), James A. Landay (Author), Jason I. Hong (Author) Книгa на английcком языкe. По состоянию: на обложке брак, следы хранения. Внутренний блок новый. Подробнее на фото. В oдном экземпляре! Позвонитe или нaпишите и мы обязательно договоримся! Аннотация на книгу "The Design of Sites: Patterns, Principles, and Processes for Crafting a Customer-Centered Web Experience". Based upon extensive, ground-breaking research, The Design of Sites introduces a comprehensive, pattern-based approach to making web sites truly customer-centered. Using the 101 patterns presented here, Web and business professionals can learn from the industry's experience and best practices, and dramatically improve customer satisfaction and retention. The authors have chronicled visitors' behavior to find the patterns that emerge from experiences ranging from navigation to e-shopping, and to discover how individual site visits fit into users' larger goals of finding information and making purchasing decisions. Drawing on this research, The Design of Sites introduces proven principles, processes, and patterns for building customer-centered Web sites. Their patterns encompass virtually every key issue, including: creating powerful home pages; managing content; simplifying layouts and navigation; optimizing performance, and much more. For all Web designers, developers and decision-makers seeking to maximize the business value of their Web sites.


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