Альбом знаменитого японского художника:
"Yoshitaka Amano: Elegant Spirits: Amano's Tale of Genji and Fairies."
На английском языке. Американское издание.
Publisher:Dark Horse Comics,U.S. 2021 г.
"Elegant Spirits first contains Amano's adaptation of The Tale of Genji , a psychological exploration of courtly love written a thousand years ago by Lady Murasaki, and often considered to be the earliest novel ever written. The second half of Elegant Spirits is Amano's Fairies , his portrayals of the many magical beings of English and Celtic lore and drama--from brownies and the Seelie Court, to Merlin and Nimue, to Shakespeare's Puck and Titania. The images of Elegant Spirits are accompanied by excerpts of text, poetry, and the stories that accompany these unforgettable figures of the past."
Увеличенный формат 22*31 см.
168 стр.
Отличное состояние - книга новая, запечатана. Все фото внутреннего содержания взяты из интернета.
Цена без торга.
- СостояниеНовое
- ЖанрФэнтези
- АвторДругой
- Популярная серия-
- КатегорияКниги и журналы