1.War Paint 1200
2.Amalia 1400
3.Cold Heart 800
4..Earth Angel 500
5.0Spartacus 500
6.Blue Mammoth 400
7.Clittords Forest Fire 500
8.Lakeside Cha- Cha 400
9.Pizzaz 450
10.Dancing Queen 1250
Ufo 1000
Aristocrat 700
Majesty 800
Whee!! ! 500
Mata Hari 600
Black Hills 500
Lemon Lime 200
Bly Angel 450
Summer Breeze 500
Tiffany,s Godzilla 1200
Devon Green 400
Risky Business 450
Patriot 300
Tortilla Chip 350
Night Before Christmas 300
Sunny Halcyon 300
Антиох 300
Lave Pat 500
Elegans 400
Big Deddi 300
Halcyon 300
Blue Cadet 200
Janet 200
Fire and Ice 500.
Revolution 300
Golden Tiara 200
Sam and Substance 400
Dark Shadows 500
France 300
Great Expectation 400
Tokugawa Flavocircinalis 400
Alex Summer 600
Bill Brinka 300
June 300
Thunderbolt 700
Abiqua Moonbeam 300
Inniswood 400
August Moon 300
Gold Drop 200
Stiletto 200
Paul's Glory 300
Regal Splendor 300
Kross Regal 300
Guacamole 300
Frosted Dimples 500
Striptease 300
Christmas Tree 300
Gold Regal 400
Coast to Coast 1200
Фрэнсис Вильямс 400
Ripple Effect 550
Brerssingam Blue 300.
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