Книга The snes Omnibus vol1

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Продаю часть книг из личной коллекции. Остальные книги по ретро играм/консолям/pc, смотрите в моем профиле. Без торга. Отправляю только авито доставкой (boxberry) Пpoсьбa не выбиpать Почту Рocсии. ============================================== книга:The SNES Omnibus: The Super Nintendo and Its Games, Vol. 1 (A–M) (Hardcover) Description:Volume 1 of the SNES Omnibus is a fun and informative look at all the original Super Nintendo games released in the U.S. starting with the letters A through M. More than 350 games are featured, including such iconic titles as Chrono Trigger, Contra III: The Alien Wars, Donkey Kong Country, EarthBound, F-Zero, Final Fantasy II and III, Gradius III, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Each game, whether obscure or mainstream, is covered in exhaustive detail. In addition to thorough gameplay descriptions, the book includes reviews, fun facts, historical data, quotes from vintage magazines, and, best of all, nostalgic stories about many of the games from programmers, authors, convention exhibitors, video game store owners, YouTube celebs, and other industry insiders. The book also features more than 2,000 full-color images, including box art, cartridges, screenshots, and vintage ads.Contributing writers of the wonderful, funny, sad, nostalgic, and life- and game-affirming stories in the book include Steve Woita (former Atari programmer), David Warhol (former SNES programmer), Blake J. Harris (author of Console Wars), Kurt Kalata (Hardcore Gaming 101), Tim Lapetino (author of Art of Atari), Shawn Long (RGT 85 on YouTube), Rob McCallum (filmmaker), Brittney Brombacher (BlondeNerd.com), Eric "8-Bit Eric" Perez (YouTuber), Christopher "The Old Ass Retro Gamer" Pico (YouTuber), Benjamin Reeves (senior editor for Game Informer), John Riggs (RIGG'd Games on YouTube), Greg Sewart (former Previews and Reviews Editor for Electronic Gaming Monthly), Zoe Howard (writer, retroislife.com), and too many others to list. Print length:416 pages Language:English Publisher: Schiffer


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