Серия "Читаем по слогам" поможет вашим детям быстро овладеть слоговым чтением на примере занимательных историй с красочными иллюстрациями. Для младшего школьного возраста.
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766 ₽New Headway: English Course: Upper-Intermediate: WNew Headway: English Course: Upper-Intermediate: WNew Headway English Course takes the successful Headway series into an exciting new era. It introduces new features to challenge adult and young adult students and ensure that learning English is interesting and motivating. The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches, to help students use English both accurately and fluently. Learners at the upper-intermediate level require a different approach. It is no longer appropriate to examine language items in isolation. In New Headway Upper-Intermediate, grammatical areas are treated in greater depth so that students begin to perceive the systems that underlie the language. This new upper-intermediate course provides around 120 hours of language learning. It follows on from New Headway Intermediate, and together with Headway Elementary, Headway Pre-lntermediate, and Headway Advanced, provides a fully comprehensive language teaching series.Подробнее: https://www.cataloxy.ru/books/934808_new-headway-english-course-upper-intermediate-workbook.htm
496 ₽Денискины рассказыДенискины рассказы«Денискины раcскaзы» Виктора Дрaгунскoго дaвнo cтали клacсикoй дeтcкoй литepатуры. Их главный герoй Дeниcкa Kopaблев — oбычный мальчишкa, который вcе врeмя пoпaдаeт в какиe-нибудь пеpeделки. В cбоpник вошли caмые извеcтныe истории o Дeниcкe: «Cлaва Ивaнa Козловcкого», «Сверху вниз, наискосок!», «г детства», «Куриный бульон» и многие другие.