My name is Adeola Lawal.
I'm from West Africa, but currently living here in Moscow Russia Federation I have studied in both Africa and United States of America University with the intention of helping children and adults all over the world with quality knowledge about how to speak, write and read in English language. I have taught students from age 3 to 18 with an effective and well understanding about how to speak and write in English language
I come from an environment where we value knowledge so much, it was there I got my first knowledge about teaching, and I have been doing this for more than 3 years with my knowledge in teaching your kids will learn from the best of me, I love Reading and hiking, good food is another part of me. I love doing it, including dancing. I also love to play games, especially soccer , and all social activities I enjoyed. with my experience in teaching English I enjoy meeting new people and learning about their lives and backgrounds. I also easily find common interests with strangers especially my students and try to make most people feel comfortable and feel love and attention I find this skill especially useful when starting projects with new clients.
- ГражданствоРоссия
- Готовность к командировкамГотов
- ПереездВозможен
- Сфера деятельностиОбразование, наука
- График работыСвободный график
- ОбразованиеВысшее
- Стаж работы, лет3
- ПолМужской
- КатегорияРезюме